Sunday, July 5, 2009

SEO The Key Ingredient in Buat Duit Online blogs

Perhaps after creating content for your buat duit online blog, the next thing you should look at is Search engine optimization or better known as SEO. This is actually an on going process that you will need to implement throughout the lifecycle of your blog.

If you are wondering why SEO is actually important, then all you need to do is just google the term buat duit. There are millions of website that has this term within the blog, however, what makes a blog being displayed in the top 10 of the google search result? Repeat after me, SEO.

I am going to provide you with 5 simple steps on how you can optimize your keyword.

1. Selecting the Right Keyword
The first step to any successful SEO is to perform a comprehensive keyword research. If you choose a competitive niche keyword such as make money, be prepared to go against millions of website that have already used this niche for years. Plus you will have to compete with these blog owners which have already years and years of experience and resources to put them on top 10 of the search result.

2. Include the keywords
You should always try to use your niche keyword within your post. However make sure that your keyword is only used 3-5% percent of your post contents. Over used the word and Google might consider it to be a spam blog. You do not want that to happen as it takes a lot of effort just to bring your blog out from that situation. I would suggest that you use a word count tool to ensure that your important keywords fall within that mention percentage.

3. A Website Relationship
Do not every participate in those cheap link building campaigns. Trust me on this. You will see your blog’s PR drop. Google algorithm now is smart enough to detect these link building sites. Instead it’s better to build a one to one personal relationship with another blog owner. That way you could always request for a link exchange.

4. Content is King
Hands down, content is king. Without content no one will read your blog. Try to write your blog content naturally. I have notice that google tends to favor blogs that have really long post and the contents that flow naturally. Try not to pay too much attention on optimizing your contents that you forget about the most important part of blogging.

5. Consult the experts
If you are running a business and have the money, I would suggest hiring an SEO consultant to help you with your website or blog. By optimizing your blog it could mean the difference between getting hundred or even thousand of sale per month. Therefore it’s definitely worth considering getting advice and assistance from the experts.

So there you have it, 5 simple tips that you can use in your blog. It is best that you try to do it all the time, but not to extensively. This will save you a lot of headache and time as you will not need to revisit previous post to optimize it. If you looking to be listed top 10 in the any search result for your buat duit online blog, then pay close attention to the above tips as they might just help you out.


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